Name | Hex | LCH | CMYK | |
Accents | ||||
Grape | #8819EC |
lch(40.014% 108.495 309.59) |
42% 89% 0% 7% |
Raspberry | #EA33ED |
lch(57.859% 97.892 326.222) |
1% 78% 0% 7% |
Peach | #F2978A |
lch(71.881% 40.541 32.926) |
0% 38% 43% 5% |
Lemon | #F5F451 |
lch(94.17% 75.545 100.177) |
0% 0% 67% 4% |
Pear | #BFF347 |
lch(89.96% 79.92 115.45) |
21% 0% 71% 5% |
Lychee | #EEEEF5 |
lch(94.314% 2.996 284.311) |
3% 3% 0% 4% |
Blackberry | #191923 |
lch(9.116% 7.269 287.344) |
29% 29% 0% 86% |
Bases | ||||
White | #FFFFFF |
lch(100% 0 0) |
0% 0% 0% 0% |
Black | #101015 |
lch(4.807% 3.011 285.248) |
24% 24% 0% 92% |
Accent colours can be modified by subtracting or subtracting the following parameters:
lightness: `4`
chroma: `2`
hue: `1`
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